
Practical Tips to Face the Challenges in a Diet

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Practical tips to face challenges in a diet

To achieve weight loss or to maintain our optimum body weight along with fitness, we need to follow a balanced regime consisting diet and exercise. It is often said “We are what we eat”, what it means is that whatever we input in our body through the diet we consume results in the output our body produces like good/bad health and being disease free/unwell. In our quest to lose weight temporarily or over a short period of time, people resort to crash diets or unhealthy ways to diet which results in drastic health problems and diseases. Another problem most people […]

Health and Fitness

Why Diets Should Be Sustainable?

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Why diets should be sustainable

Of late we have been coming upon the term Sustainable Diet. What exactly does it mean and what is its importance and benefits? Let’s Learn. What are Sustainable Diets? Sustainable Diet basically means “a diet which can be followed for a long duration and is culturally and regionally accepted. It provides safe and healthy natural resources which are economic, healthy and affordable”. Fad Diets versus Sustainable Diets New and trendy diets which promise fast and unrealistic weight loss are termed as Fad Diets. E.g. Cabbage Soup diet, Baby food diet, zero carb diets etc. They have temporary effects and get […]

Health and Fitness

Stay Healthy This World Health Day

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World Health Day

Worldwide, 7th April is celebrated as World Health Day and it also marks the founding day of WHO. What Exactly Do You Mean By Health? Good Health or being healthy means being mentally, socially and physically fit along with being disease free. A lifestyle which keeps us physically as well as mentally healthy should be adapted on a daily basis. Having a nutritious and adequate diet, indulging in exercise or physical activity of any kind, weight and stress management are all spheres of being healthy. What Affects Health? Most important and foremost factor affecting Health is Diet. The input we […]


Beat the Heat with These Super Summer Foods

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Beat the Heat with these Summer super foods

Summer brings with it sweaty and mucky days along with hot sleepless nights. Probably the only season, unlike the rainy and winter, where hot food and beverages are frowned upon. Everyone looks for ways to soothe and cool the body from the outside and inside as well. Summers are the best time to indulge in cool and refreshing foods and drinks which keep our mind and body hydrated and nourished. Various Fruits, Vegetables, yogurt, seeds  etc. contain nutritional properties and essential nutrients. They affect our body and metabolic system due to its higher the water content, better digestion and cooling […]

Health and Fitness

Practical Tips to Maintain Hydration This Summer

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tips to maintain hydration

In the scorching summer heat, we need more hydration and liquid intake to keep our body’s fluid balanced from the loss of fluids due to excessive heat. The harsh and merciless summer drains our body of water due to sweat and urination leading to dehydration. If the water intake is inadequate in our body, it leads to dehydration nausea, dryness, headache, exhaustion, dry skin etc. Listed below are some practical and simple tips to remain hydrated this summer. Drinking good ol plain Water: Nothing can beat the many advantages of water, especially in summer. Having a glass of water after […]

Health and Fitness

Easy Tips to Stay Fit and Lean In Summers

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Easy tips to Stay Fit and Lean

Summer is the best time to beat the cold lazy blues and get the fitness plan back into action. Summers provide us perfect opportunity to work out both indoors and outdoors at convenient hours. It also accelerates the weight loss process. Let’s Understand Why It Is Easy To Lose Weight In Summers! In the hot summer months, the daily calorie intake decreases as compared to the cooler months as appetite decreases trying to keep the body cool. Consumption of liquids, fruits and juices is maximized due to the heat and parched weather, leading to lesser calorie consumed as compared to […]

Health and Fitness

Health Effects of Functional Beverages

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health benefits of functional beverages

What are functional beverages? Functional beverages are drinks that help in maintaining our good health, providing us hydration and helps in maintaining our body fluids. They not only provide essential nutrients but also bestow health promoting non-nutrients. Also considered as health drinks or performance enhancing drinks with ingredients such as vegetables, fruits, minerals, vitamins, herbs etc, they are packaged as ready to drink energy shots, green smoothies, enhanced water and protein shakes. Functional Beverages are especially popular amongst the sports industry. They hold a great potential to enhance our health and prevent chronic diseases. Importance They are considered health in […]

Health and Fitness

Impact of Inadequate Nutrition on Health

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Impact of Inadequate nutrition on health

Are you lately feeling tired, irritated, having bowel problems, noticing mood swings and physical health problems, having brittle nails and hair fall problems? If the answer to the above is YES, you are suffering from inadequate nutrition or Malnutrition. In simple words, the food you are consuming is unable to meet your body’s nutrient and energy demand, which is required for its smooth and diseases free functioning. Malnutrition (Over / Under Nutrition) affects our nutritional status thus affecting our overall health. Here are some of the impacts of Inadequate Nutrition:- Immunity: Our immunity and the body’s ability to fight germs […]


Know the Requisites of Personalized Nutrition

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Personalized Nutrition

Nutrition and what does it mean? The food we consume provides us with energy and nourishment for our body to grow and stay healthy. This process of incorporating and consuming adequate Nutrients for sustenance is called Nutrition. Nutrients The compounds which make us stay healthy and fit along with being essential for our growth, development, immunity, wear and tear are called Nutrients. Nutrients generally fall under Carbohydrates, Fats, Proteins, Vitamins and Minerals. They play a major role in a person’s health and the cause and effect of diseases. Personalized Nutrition and its Need The requirement of nutrients varies person to person […]

Health and Fitness

Plant Forward Eating: What It Is All About, Its Pros And Cons?

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What is Plant Forward Eating? This is a systematic way of encouraging more greens in our daily eating habits, but not necessarily a vegetarian diet. It doesn’t completely cut off meat from the diet, but finds healthier plant based replacements like vegetable, fruits, nuts, whole grains, pulses and legumes, soy, etc. Pros of Plant Forward Eating Plant based diet is associated with consumption of vitamin C, E, fiber, folic acid, magnesium which reduces build-up of toxins and oxidative stress that is often linked to increased life span. Plant foods are cholesterol-free and comparatively high in fibre and resistant starches which […]