Health and Fitness

Cooking Oil and Its Recommended Type, Content and Intake

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cooking oil

  Fats and oils are probably the most common ingredient found in every kitchen and is perhaps a necessity in all types of food and cuisines due to the presence of essential fats and soluble vitamins. We find a range of cooking oils differing in their type of fat. American Heart Association Describes about it as The Good, The Bad and The Ugly: Oil on its own is high in calories (1 g oil contains 9 Kcal) and should be consumed sparingly as per needed. Oils which are of the unsaturated variant should be preferred like olive oil, rice bran […]

Health and Fitness

Vitamin D – The Sunshine Vitamin

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VItamin D

Vitamin D deficiency is very common and most people are unaware of it. Prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in India has increased to around 80%. The most natural way to get vitamin D is through the exposure to sunlight. The best time to expose to sunlight for vitamin D is in between 11 am to 1 pm as the frequency of UV rays is in between 290nm and 320 nm suitable for skin to make vitamin D. Daily requirement of vitamin D is 600 IU/day. Minimum 20 minutes of daily exposure in sun is required to meet daily requirement of […]

Health and Fitness

Mango Secrets

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Summer is here and the wait for yummy mangoes is over! We are often in a dilemma whether to consume mangoes or not. It is important to know that mango is extremely beneficial for health. But moderate consumption is the key to enjoy optimum benefits of mangoes. Mango is the most nutrient dense fruit and is rightly called as king of fruits. It has nearly 20 vitamins and minerals. It has the highest amount of vitamin A (β carotene – 1262 IU) and is good source of vitamin C and E. All these vitamins along with the polyphenols present in […]