Summer is here and the wait for yummy mangoes is over! We are often in a dilemma whether to consume mangoes or not. It is important to know that mango is extremely beneficial for health. But moderate consumption is the key to enjoy optimum benefits of mangoes.
Mango is the most nutrient dense fruit and is rightly called as king of fruits. It has nearly 20 vitamins and minerals. It has the highest amount of vitamin A (β carotene – 1262 IU) and is good source of vitamin C and E. All these vitamins along with the polyphenols present in mangoes help to reduce oxidative stress. These antioxidants also help to prevent free radicals that cause heart disease. These nutrients in mangoes also help in boosting immunity. Vitamin A also helps in maintaining eye health.
It also contains pectin fiber which helps in decreasing cholesterol level, relieving constipation. Pectin along with certain digestive enzymes in mangoes improves digestion.
Mangoes also contain bioactive compound mangiferin, which along with antioxidants help in preventing cancer of colon, breast, leukemia and prostate. It also has anti-inflammatory properties.
Mangoes contain good amount iron and may help in maintaining hemoglobin levels. Apart from iron it also contains Selenium, B Complex Vitamins, Vitamin K, Copper, Zinc, Phosphorous, Calcium and Potassium. All these nutrients exert multiple benefits on health. Vitamin C, calcium and other minerals also help in maintaining bone health.
Though mangoes have all these benefits, excessive consumption can also cause problems.
Gain in weight is dependent upon total number of calories we take throughout the day and at a single time. Excessive calories if not burned can lead to gain in weight. 1 medium sized mango provides us around 140 kcal. These additional calories consumed in diet should be compensated to meet just enough total calorie requirement of the day.
Mangoes contain Fructose sugar which if consumed in excess can lead to altered in blood sugar levels. Excessive consumption of mangoes can also lead to diarrhea.

- 1 to 2 mangoes of average size are permissible. Eating 4 to 6 mangoes or aamras made from them is a little too much.
- Mangoes are rich in calories so cut down your calories to compensate those calories.
- Best time to consume mangoes is before workout or for your mid meals.
Enjoy the mango season to the fullest by consuming moderate amount of mangoes to enjoy optimum benefits.
2 thoughts on “Mango Secrets”
Excellent writeup..very useful. It helps to.understand that anything that is eaten in moderation has benefits. Mangi has so many beneficial nutrients was a unknown fact.
Thanks Nutriworks for always creating awareness.
Thank you for your motivating words