Health and Fitness

Healthy Weight- Importance, Benefits and Understanding BMI

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Importance of healthy weight

Being healthy should be one’s priority throughout their life. A person can enjoy all the worldly blessings with sound health and happy mind. To make people more conscious and aware of this blessing bestowed on us called Health, Healthy Weight Week is celebrated from 19th to 25th January. What Exactly Does Healthy Weight Mean? A Healthy weight is foremost important to maintain a healthy lifestyle and to keep you disease free with a strong immunity. A person’s healthy weight is measured by their BMI (Body Mass Index). BMI measure’s a person’s weight in respect to a person’s height. It differs […]

Health and Fitness

Fight Obesity This World Obesity Day

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World Obesity Day

11th October is celebrated as World Obesity Day and I thereby write this article to help people fight with their obesity and maintain a healthy weight. Obesity is increasing at an alarming rate not only in adults but is also a concern in children and has become a worldwide epidemic. Obesity in layman terms simply means increased weight with respect to height or excess body fat of a person which leads to many negative effects on one’s body and mind leading to deteriorating mental and physical health. BMI (Body Mass Index) is used to measure the obesity of a person, […]