Health and Fitness

Healthy Weight- Importance, Benefits and Understanding BMI

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Importance of healthy weight

Being healthy should be one’s priority throughout their life. A person can enjoy all the worldly blessings with sound health and happy mind. To make people more conscious and aware of this blessing bestowed on us called Health, Healthy Weight Week is celebrated from 19th to 25th January. What Exactly Does Healthy Weight Mean? A Healthy weight is foremost important to maintain a healthy lifestyle and to keep you disease free with a strong immunity. A person’s healthy weight is measured by their BMI (Body Mass Index). BMI measure’s a person’s weight in respect to a person’s height. It differs […]

Health and Fitness

Dining Late Often? Know the Effects!

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effects of dining late

Hectic schedules, working in shifts, long working hours, late night dinner parties or staying up late often may consistently make you familiar to consume your dinner close to bed time or have nibbling habits late night. When we consume majority of our calorie requirement throughout the day and keep our dinner early and light, it helps to promote overall wellness, control of appetite and adequate energy balance. Consuming food in excess quantities at night can affect your health. Know some of the most commonly caused effects due to late night dinner. Acidity: This is commonly experienced if you lie down […]