Health and Fitness

How to maintain lost weight?

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So you’ve finally reached your weight-loss target! Perhaps you’ve been calorie-counting for a while and need to take a break. But how do you proceed from here? How can you begin to incorporate more of your favorite meals and relax your limitations without risking your progress? It’s normal if you’re concerned about regaining weight after all of your hard work. It’s very natural to have daily weight fluctuations and changes throughout your life. Furthermore, gaining a few pounds over time is unavoidable. It’s when some of the weight sneaks back on. Weight maintenance will be different from what you were […]

Tips for Kids

Healthy Nutrition Tips for Kids

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Healthy Nutrition Tips for Kids

In today’s time healthy lifetime must be a choice and not some kind of trend which will fade away later. Every mother is concerned for their children and try her best to feed her kids food  full of nutrients. But let’s face it, kids are very fussy about food and all they want to eat junk which are less on nutrients side. Since there is so much exposure for kids all they want to have is pizza, burgers and soft drinks. All these can be avoided by simple tips which will make mother’s life easier to feed their child some […]

Know the Foods

8 Super foods to enhance child’s memory for exam

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8 Super foods to enhance child's memory for exam

The exam season is approaching and everyone is stressed-parents, children, pets and even neighbours! Study hours go on till late night or sometimes, begin even before the sun is up. TV time gets severely restricted and anything (read ice cream) that can cause even a small sneeze, is completely banned till vacations. You take so much precaution of your child’s health and make sure they study well, but how about also helping them to retain their knowledge better? A few dietary changes can really be beneficial for their brain function. Here is a list of the top superfoods to boost […]